Straightening presses (M-AH and ASV series)
Automatic straightening presses MAE series M-AH and ASV - for various applications - short or long, round or profiled parts, hardened or crack-sensitive components.
- M-AH – the global market leader in automatic straightening machines. You can straighten round and flat parts, as well as workpieces with complex geometries precisely to your application.
Directive forces: 2 - 1.600 kN, workpiece lengths: 30 - 3.000 mm, cross-section: 2 - 300 mm, straightening accuracy: up to 0,01 mm.
Robust, simple, durable design, maintenance-free embedded ram, ideal for manual and automatic loading, low space requirement, for curve straightening, pressure straightening and sharpening.
Suitable for: Shafts for motors and drive units, drive shafts, rotor shafts, spindles, pipes.
- ASV - expressly adapted to the requirements of manufacturers of long parts - the largest straightening machine in the world. For curve straightening and pressure straightening.
Directive forces: up to 25,000 kN, workpiece lengths: up to 30.000 mm, cross-section: up to 800 mm,
Suitable for: Gear shafts, crankshafts, precision shafts, rotor shafts, piston rods, tension rods, spindles, guide rails, rolled sections, gear racks, steel bars, springs, section and oilfield pipes.
Both series are equiped with the RICOS straightening controller, with large-scale TFT touch display and windows user interface, remote maintenance, fully-configurable straightening sequence.
Technical parameters
Applications: automotive, tools and standard components, textile machines, electric machines, rail, steel industry, oil and gas production.